Two Broody Albums From IDLES and St. Vincent | SOTW 05/31/2024
This Week: Exploring the similarities between “Big Time Nothing” and “POP POP POP,” plus weirdness from Dominique Guiot’s “La Danse Des Méduses” and Brian Eno’s “Burning Airlines Give You So Much More” and Chelsea Wolfe’s devastating “Flatlands.”

Songs of the Week 03/15/2024
New Peter Gabriel! New St. Vincent! New IDLES! New Chelsea Wolfe! New TV on the Radio…. has not released since 2015!

Songs of the Week 02/02/2024
Another batch of songs from November because I’m so blocked up from that hiatus.

Songs of the WEEK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023
I didn’t see light for days, couldn’t feel the first Christmas snowflakes land on my tongue, but it was all worth it—all worth bringing you this year’s annual review on January 10th, 2024. You’re welcome, Idaho.

Songs of the Week 12/01/2023
Exclusively heinous vibes this week. I’m actually doing great, by the way. Everything here sounds about how it looks, though.

Songs of the Week 11/10/2023
THE QUEEN HAS AWAKENED! It’s Mariah Carey season, baby! Said no one on Max Todd Dot Com ever. I will be INTOLERANT of that. No such rumpus here.

Songs of the Week 10/20/2023 (coming to you from 10/27/2023)
This background art is joyous. Don’t think about Oppenheimer. Look how pretty this burst of stellar fission is. Don’t think about Oppenheimer. Haha, Happy Halloween, boooo! Don’t think about Oppenheimer.

Nighttime | Songs of the Week 10/06/2023
You’ve seen Songs of the Week 10/06/2023, yea? But what if it was goth?

SONGS OF THE WEEK 09/08/2023
Today, we’re playing whack-a-mole with goofy YouTuber synth while I try to talk about serious, contemplative songs. Or maybe it’s the other way around? I don’t know, how are the kids feeling? Is it still optimistic nihilism or are we back to pessimistic nihilism? Guess I have to just go for it. Okay, Squarespace… don’t you let me down…

Songs of the Week 02/03/2023
We're unpacking the divorce next week, so hold onto your butts.