Songs of the WEEK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023
I didn’t see light for days, couldn’t feel the first Christmas snowflakes land on my tongue, but it was all worth it—all worth bringing you this year’s annual review on January 10th, 2024. You’re welcome, Idaho.

Lighttime | Songs of the Week 10/06/2023
Against my better judgment, we’re doing two Songs of the Week for the two wolves inside you. Two Songs One Week? No. No, I don’t think I like that.

Songs of the Week 03/10/2023
Would you hit the insidious, shrouded figure's hookah? Let me know in the comments! Like and subscribe! Smash that bell!

Songs of the Week 02/17/2023 (coming to you from 02/24/2023)
Cage the Elephant curiosity was not on my 2023 bingo card, but neither was war with China, so...