Songs of the Week 03/15/2024
New Peter Gabriel! New St. Vincent! New IDLES! New Chelsea Wolfe! New TV on the Radio…. has not released since 2015!

Songs of the Week 04/14/2023 (Coming to You From 04/21/2023)
The Mrs. Featherbottom hole goes deep.

Songs of the Week 02/03/2023
We're unpacking the divorce next week, so hold onto your butts.

Songs of the Week Annual Review 2022 (Because Someone Needs To Keep Spotify Honest)
I figured now was as good an opportunity as any to enter my own dark horse into the streaming music recap race—a real homegrown replay/wrapped situation. So, as 2022 comes to a close (four days into 2023), let's take a look back at the music that defined my year, and that probably didn't define yours, but here you are, reading about it. Don't think about it too much.

Songs of the Week / Movie Friday 07/22/2022
And you know what's cool about posting this with space for extra words? All you can do is watch as I crack my knuckles in painstaking sequence and get ready to wax poetic about ALL FIVE SONGS.