The Coming of Spring by Madeline Todd | Other People’s Art
My sister, Madeline, just published her short story, “The Coming of Spring,” in the Meridian Creative Arts Journal!

Say Your Prayers, George and Delilah
There was a cat on Delilah's dashboard, by the way— a subliminal contributor to George's distracted driving. Most living things are best not left in hot cars, but Delilah's cat was plastic, and built to last. In the waning light, the strip of solar panel on its stand made it twitch its tail back and forth: cat-gap, cat-gap. They say it's a cat's way of saying "piss off," but like Inuit words for snow, cats have plenty of ways to express that, or so they say. They tell you a lot about skies, and birds, and interspecies words, but they'd never tell you where to find the cat rosetta stone; where to find the prophet cat and his stone tablets batted down from the mountain. Cite your sources, that's what I say. I'd appreciate that.