Songs of the week 03/01/2024
This Week: I do a 180° on AI and finally profess my love for the Beatles, which surely isn’t related, right?

Songs of the week 09/15/2023 (coming to you From 09/22/2023)

Songs of the Week 03/24/2023
I pray for Jim Noir's sanity every night in my little Family Circus jammies.

Selling Songs in One Sentence! | Songs of the Week 03/17/2023
Because I'm too cheap to skip a week without Wordpress stats dopamine.

Songs of the Week Annual Review 2022 (Because Someone Needs To Keep Spotify Honest)
I figured now was as good an opportunity as any to enter my own dark horse into the streaming music recap race—a real homegrown replay/wrapped situation. So, as 2022 comes to a close (four days into 2023), let's take a look back at the music that defined my year, and that probably didn't define yours, but here you are, reading about it. Don't think about it too much.