No Prose (Hope This Was Helpful!)
that’s you at the end of times, that’s you. hope this was helpful!

Das Magdeburger Einhorn
but the truth tucks twisted thumbs between your cage of ribs. we won't make it through this year.

Anarchist Wizard Shampoo Mantra
After the Armageddon, Anticipate An Awakening! Leisure is temporary— but nothing ever ends for you! After the Alphabet, Ascend to Alphabet Soup

Evolution of the Eye
Fish eyes and our eyes are both bowls of water, but only one of us still lives to swim.

Why The Sausage Was Made (I - III)
You are as your ancestors could never have been; amongst an almost alien bounty at arm’s length. Yet why still do you feel the eyes of coyotes every time a cart wheel creaks?