Throbbing Gristle, Trump, and The Modern Trickster | SOTW 11/15/2024
Plus: Belated Halloween from Throbbing Gristle and Siouxsie & The Banshees, unmasking Madonna’s shining moment of maturity, and even! more! Nausicaä!

The Tweakin Poets Department | SOTW 04/26/2024 (coming to you 05/03/2024)
Because the best poets aren’t too tortured to hit that yoinky sploinky in sepia.

Songs of the Week 04/05/2024
Hope you like 3/4, and 6/8 even more. Yea, that’s right, other time signatures exist, I just can’t tell them apart because I never learned to count.

Songs of the Week 02/02/2024
Another batch of songs from November because I’m so blocked up from that hiatus.

Songs of the WEEK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023
I didn’t see light for days, couldn’t feel the first Christmas snowflakes land on my tongue, but it was all worth it—all worth bringing you this year’s annual review on January 10th, 2024. You’re welcome, Idaho.

All Instrumentals, All the Time (but just this week) | Songs of the Week 06/09/2023
Late to the party, but can we talk about sobbing to the Prehistoric Planet theme? And the Walking with Dinosaurs theme? And the Across the Spider-Verse intro?

Songs of the Week 04/14/2023 (Coming to You From 04/21/2023)
The Mrs. Featherbottom hole goes deep.

Songs of the Week 03/24/2023
I pray for Jim Noir's sanity every night in my little Family Circus jammies.

Songs of the Week 02/10/2023
This one's roulette-inspired. If you put it on shuffle, odds are you won't have your heart ripped out... but the chances are never zero...

Songs of the Week 02/03/2023
We're unpacking the divorce next week, so hold onto your butts.

Songs of the Week 01/20/2023
Only the spiciest posts for my most loyalest parasocial Toddlings.

Songs of the Week Annual Review 2022 (Because Someone Needs To Keep Spotify Honest)
I figured now was as good an opportunity as any to enter my own dark horse into the streaming music recap race—a real homegrown replay/wrapped situation. So, as 2022 comes to a close (four days into 2023), let's take a look back at the music that defined my year, and that probably didn't define yours, but here you are, reading about it. Don't think about it too much.

Songs of the Week 12/30/2022
Buckle up, kids, I'm airing out all of my flammable takes while we're still in holiday limbo so I can start this new year pure and angelic. The puffy, white, cartoon gloves are off, and honestly, they're not going back on, because that character design harkens back to blackface performances. Did you know that? Yea. I just shotgun sprayed your childhood, and I'm not even sorry for it. That's right, yea, and this is just the beginning. Ten-thirty, no mercy.

Songs of the Week 10/21/2022
To be clear: I do NOT endorse Fleetwood Mac or any Fleetwood Mac-based tomfoolery. I don't care if they're good, they're a bunch of drama queens that all cheated on each other and then stayed in a band together.