No Prose (Hope This Was Helpful!)
that’s you at the end of times, that’s you. hope this was helpful!

Morbius™️: the Living Vampire! (Termite to Tumbleweed)
A retrospective on that fateful, August day that made the world morb still.

Four Before the Ænd Gate
The little boy jabs right with a stubby wooden sword, and the pair exchange a nod before parting ways. Yet neither is safe here, neither is ready— the garden shows its teeth before establishing trust.

Say Your Prayers, George and Delilah
There was a cat on Delilah's dashboard, by the way— a subliminal contributor to George's distracted driving. Most living things are best not left in hot cars, but Delilah's cat was plastic, and built to last. In the waning light, the strip of solar panel on its stand made it twitch its tail back and forth: cat-gap, cat-gap. They say it's a cat's way of saying "piss off," but like Inuit words for snow, cats have plenty of ways to express that, or so they say. They tell you a lot about skies, and birds, and interspecies words, but they'd never tell you where to find the cat rosetta stone; where to find the prophet cat and his stone tablets batted down from the mountain. Cite your sources, that's what I say. I'd appreciate that.

Murder! at the Oscars (Shoe-Shine and Gun Smoke)
TW: Blood and Gun Violence, neither of which I condone, especially given the atrocious political landscape that the USA is currently mired in. As with the rest of the Dream Stories series, this is spun out from a dream and is meant to be entirely humorous.

Anarchist Wizard Shampoo Mantra
After the Armageddon, Anticipate An Awakening! Leisure is temporary— but nothing ever ends for you! After the Alphabet, Ascend to Alphabet Soup

Evolution of the Eye
Fish eyes and our eyes are both bowls of water, but only one of us still lives to swim.

Why The Sausage Was Made (I - III)
You are as your ancestors could never have been; amongst an almost alien bounty at arm’s length. Yet why still do you feel the eyes of coyotes every time a cart wheel creaks?